YFIT @ the ArtHOUSE: YFIT is the YMCA of Broward County’s youth wellness program dedicated to helping youth and families engage in high-quality, inclusive, fun physical activity. YFIT coaches are certified to teach the SPARK curriculum, an evidence-based physical activity program. SPARK has been honored as an Exemplary Program of the U.S. Department of Education; featured in the Surgeon General’s Report as a “School-based solution to our nation’s healthcare crisis.” The Y is for healthy living, youth development, and social responsibility and is ready to help your students have fun, get healthy, and develop a habit of lifelong wellness.
YFIT Meets the 4 Sunshine State Standards
- Movement Competency
- Cognitive Abilities
- Lifetime Fitness
- Responsible Behaviors and Attitudes
What are the goals of YFIT:
- Improve your child’s self-esteem
- Develop skilled movers
- Build agility, cardiovascular health, muscular health and endurance through games
- Encourage a healthy weight
- Decrease your child’s risk of weight related diseases, such as Type 2 Diabetes
- Lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels
- Make physical activity fun and enjoyable
Join YFIT at the ArtHOUSE in NW Gardens on Tuesdays and Thursdays:
3:30-4:00 – Elementary
4:30-5:00 – Middle and High School