Connect Community!
We want to highlight our community! If you are a member of the Northwest Gardens Communities (including Dixie Court & Dr. Kennedy Homes) and you have a business or service that you would like on our website. Let us know!
For ads on https://northwestgardens.net please send a graphic for sized at:
- 300 x 250 pixels
- 250 x 125 pixels
- 125 x 125 pixels
- Along with the link (URL/DOMAIN) the graphic should open up to.
Story or Event to share?
If you have editorial, community highlight, or event to add, send us details. Please be sure to include ALL social media links & hashtags and at least one main image.
- Community history
- Resident highlight
- Milestone
- Youth highlight
- Youth news
- Tutor services
- Community events
- Job listing
- Possible inclusion for the Northwest Gardens Community Newsletter
Blog Posts
Blogs posts should have at least one main graphics.
Please be sure to include ALL social media links & at least one main image.
- 629 x 356 pixels – Size for blog Graphics
- List any pertinent tags
- Aim for medium length blog posts between 600 to 1,250 words
- Maximum word count: 2,450 words*
* The highest ranking articles on Google are most often 2,450 words. If you want to rank well on search engines (and thus get thousands of new readers per month), this is the best length to write.
Instagram Posts
For consideration, please be sure your graphic or photo is sized 1080 x 1080.
Size for Blog Graphics
- 1080 x 1080 pixels (maximum)
- 612 x 612 (minimum)
- Include pertinent hashtags
- Post text
- Tags (example @theinstagrampageyouwanttotag)
- For Twitter consideration – post should be 150 characters or less.
- Consider a graphic or photo with little to no text