YMCA Post Irma Recovery Efforts in Sistrunk

Published On September 15, 2017 | Events, Kids News, LA LEE YMCA, Neighborhood News

(add first half)

The relief events continued today with much success!!  We had amazing support today from Melissa Blum of Humana and Patrice Rotolo of Smith Community Mental Health along with Meals on Wheels, thanks to Mark Adler, and more water today from Bank United!

The YMCA Community Health Worker team worked hard to distribute the Meals on Wheels disaster relief meals to those most in need, while BBQ donations came in of hot dogs and hamburgers, coleslaw, potato salad, and snacks and water and we fed hundreds today. Residents came out to help with BBQ and distribution as well.

Yesterday, absolutely amazing support from Paco Velez’s team with Sari and Leslie of Feeding South Florida with donation of 4,000 meals and 100 cases of water – THANK YOU!!   Northwest Gardens, Step Up and Housing Authority team also amazing support to get it all done as well all week!  Huge shout out to Marie “Peaches” Huntley for her leadership and to Trina, Scott and Tam along with all housing managers and staff for their collaboration!

There are Sistrunk residents who have gone 6, 7 and 8 days without power.  Older adults and families with children. As we speak many still do not have power and have to sleep yet another night in the heat. So many residents thanked the team over and over for the small tokens of assistance from everyone involved.   One of the residents who donated his time and barbecued for HOURS and HOURS, also had been days without power and had his wife in the hospital as we speak  – yet he stood there and grilled up the burgers and dogs for others.  AND he promised to come back tomorrow to grill up again!

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Still no power – so tomorrow Saturday, September 16th we will be at it again with another community BBQ for the residents, thanks to all donors, sponsors, and partners! This time its chicken and smoothies and amazing organic popsicles from local Ft. Lauderdale Vintage Pops eatvintagepops.com – SO DELICIOUS and amazing to cool off the in the heat, THANKS,Tasha! We are also working to bring more ICE tomorrow – even though Scott and the team were working hard to distribute, it’s a major need and residents were asking for more!

Sincere thanks to every single person who had any hand in this – every little bit helps.

Enjoy some images and let’s keep those without power in our prayers, that they are able to get through and soon get back on their feet.

Blog post submitted by: 

Emilia M. Solano
Director of Health Equity and Community Impact
Health Equity and Community Impact


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