
Strengthening Communities with Our Partners


The L.A. Lee YMCA Family Center is located in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida walking distance from the NW Gardens community. It is 14,000 square foot family center dedicated to serving our community families, youth and seniors. The YMCA of South Florida serves 78, 928 different people of all ages, backgrounds, abilities and financial circumstances.
NW Gardens residents can also participate in the YMCA of Broward County’s YFIT program. This wellness program is dedicated to helping youth and families engage in high-quality, inclusive, fun physical activity. YFIT coaches are certified to teach the SPARK curriculum, an evidence-based physical activity program.
SPARK has been honored as an Exemplary Program of the U.S. Department of Education; featured in the Surgeon General’s Report as a “School-based solution to our nation’s healthcare crisis.”  The Y is for healthy living, youth development, and social responsibility and is ready to help your students have fun, get healthy, and develop a habit of lifelong wellness. YFit aids in the fight against childhood obesity through fun, games and skill development.

YFIT Meets the 4 Sunshine State Standards

  •    Movement Competency
  •    Cognitive Abilities
  •    Lifetime Fitness
  •    Responsible Behaviors and Attitudes

What are the goals of YFIT:

  • Improve your child’s self-esteem
  • Develop skilled movers
  • Build agility, cardiovascular health, muscular health and endurance through games
  • Encourage a healthy weight
  • Decrease your child’s risk of weight related diseases, such as Type 2 Diabetes
  • Lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels
  • Make physical activity fun and enjoyable

Join YFIT at the ArtHOUSE in NW Gardens on Tuesdays and Thursdays:

3:30-4:00 – Elementary

4:30-5:00 – Middle and High School

The Y staff and volunteers are committed to helping seniors, youth and families strengthen positive values, their commitment to service and their motivation to learn. The YMCA has programs to help families build stronger bonds and become active and engaged in our community.

For more information about Y programs CLICK HERE to visit their website or call 954.467.2444




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