Local News: The Definition of Heroes

Published On August 25, 2016 | Blog, Kids News, Neighborhood News

The Sistrunk Soup will honor our community heroes who saved their neighbor from a dangerous home fire. Join us at the MEGAPHONE 9/17/16.
“Terrified, Precious Corn lay on her bedroom floor, covering her face and praying to God as dark smoke seeped into her bedroom. The Fort Lauderdale woman probably didn’t realize that an unlikely band of rescuers was on the way.An off-duty firefighter, an on-duty cop and a group of neighborhood kids teamed up to save Corn, 29, from a fire that destroyed her home Tuesday at the Carter Park apartments, 720 NW 14th Terrace. “They are the true definition of heroes,” said Fort Lauderdale Fire Rescue Battalion Chief Greg May. “It was just an all-around community effort between the citizens, the firefighter and the police officer. A perfect storm came together, with a great outcome.”

Neighborhood children help save woman from burning Fort Lauderdale apartment

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